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HPL Facades

FassaBo relies on innovative HPL facades for façade construction. From years of experience, we know that the material combines functionality and aesthetics in an ideal way. It is ideal for realising individual wishes and at the same time obtaining a high-quality facade that will retain its original appearance for decades to come.

What are HPL facades?

HPL stands for “High Pressure Laminate”. This innovative material is not only durable and practical, but also environmentally friendly.

The high-pressure laminate panels are suitable for applications in various areas, for example in facade construction, but also in interior design. In their manufacture, several layers of paper are soaked in melamine resin and pressed into panels under high heat and pressure. Finally, they are sealed with a top layer to protect them from any external influences. The resulting material is very versatile and enjoys great popularity. Its robustness and weather resistance make it ideal for outdoor use in particular, which is why HPL panels are ideal for facade construction.

Kontemporäres Gebäude mit antraz

We will find the right HPL facade solution for your property

Transform your building with a high-quality HPL facade! Find out all the advantages of HPL panels and why they are the right solution for you. We can answer all your questions in a personal consultation. We can give you personalised advice and work with you to create a design that meets your exact requirements. Make an appointment now!

Advantages of HPL facades


HPL facades are extremely resistant and robust. The pressing process and coating make the panels flexible and elastic, which in turn makes the surface resistant to breakage and scratches. This gives them a long service life and the facade retains its flawless appearance even after years of use.


Whether sun, frost or precipitation, the HPL facade panels are unaffected. The HPL panels also withstand extreme weather conditions, their shape and colour remain unchanged. Little maintenance is required to maintain the original condition. The material is therefore not only durable but also easy to care for.


There are no limits to the design of the facade panels. There are numerous design options to realise your ideas. Thanks to the simple processing and finishing, you have complete design freedom for your facade, including the choice of numerous colours.

How we work

Zwei Geschäftsleute, die an einem Bürotisch etwas besprechen


We will get to know you and your individual wishes and needs in a non-binding consultation. We will answer all your questions and provide you with advice on the design of your facade. Together we will draw up a plan for your perfect facade. We will find the solution that meets your expectations.

Arbeiter mit


Once you have made your choice, we take care of the rest. We order exactly the materials you need for your customised project and take care of the processing with manufacturers and suppliers. We are in constant contact with you, keep you informed of every step and can also respond flexibly to changes in plans.

Drei Arbeiter, die eine Scheibe in einer Glasfassade ersetzen


When it comes to installation, we rely on our many years of experience in facade construction. In close co-operation with experienced partner companies, we guarantee the flawless and professional installation of your facade. We stay in contact with you throughout the entire process and find customised solutions for an optimal end result in all cases.

Our HPL facade projects

Get an insight into our work

Frequently asked questions

Here we have summarised frequently asked questions about façade construction with HPL panels. We want you to have all the information you need for your facade construction. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The panels are resistant to various environmental influences, they do not change their properties even in extreme weather conditions and are also break and scratch resistant. As a result, they are extremely durable. You can also use HPL facade panels to design your outdoor area exactly how you want it thanks to the numerous design options.

Yes, the panels are extremely versatile and suitable for all buildings, regardless of architectural style and purpose. In our personalised consultation, we will find an optimum solution for all types of building.

HPL facades are extremely durable and can last for decades as a facade without any major changes in appearance.

HPL facade panels are environmentally friendly due to several factors. They are predominantly manufactured from renewable raw materials and using environmentally friendly processes. The durability of this type of facade panel also makes it a sustainable product. With low maintenance requirements, HPL facade panels last for years. This not only benefits you as a customer, but also the environment, due to reduced waste production and use of raw materials.